Rachel Fox: Mind Body Coach

Mind Body Coach

A Vibrant Life After Dieting

Diets and restriction weigh down heavily on the nervous system. They leave a trail of low energy, low mood, poor concentration, and a lack of self love.

A body & Mind that lacks self love equals a stressed nervous system.

I support clients who want to change their body without stressing out the nervous system.

Changing how your body looks does not have to mean using immense energy, force and hard discipline.

In fact my clients are surprised to find the opposite is true. 

Is it time to meet your body exactly where it is?

Are you ready to step off the weight loss treadmill and start living your life with self love, self compassion and body confidence?

Dieting is tough love. Exhausting workouts leave you feeling beat-up or drained.

Shaping up can be done in a way that supports your metabolism, hormones, nervous system, immunity and mental health.

For a stressed nervous system, simply ‘eating less and doing more’ with a goal of weight loss will eventually backfire. 

Restricting or counting calories is a definite no.

In fact my goal is to have clients eating as much as possible, with lots of flexibility… without putting weight on. 

The freedom from letting go of restrictive diets is immense, and totally possible. 

Gradually working towards sustainable body movement and gently easing into building strength, meeting the body where it is, learning to listen for ‘whispers’ that say ‘enough’.

With the right guidance & approach your body strength, mobility and flexibility will increase – which reduces tension and increases efficiency.

You don’t need high intensity workouts or to pound away on a treadmill, in fact these only add more stress to the system. We constantly monitor your ability & enjoyment level until we find the right thing for your unique body.

What works for one doesn’t work for another.

Rest, play, pleasure and connection support your nervous system and mental health. This is often overlooked and, for me and my clients, is the CRUCIAL part of healing the Mind & Body.

When we bring your whole self into a state of safety & connection, your body is free to find its own natural weight.

It doesn’t have to suck. With the right support it can be sustainable and at times, even fun.

Why do I do this work?

Because I know how it FEELS to lack self love. I know how miserable it is to go about your days wishing you had a different body. I used to feel disgusted with my body & myself, and the more I felt that the more I ate.

My training has taught me so much and I can’t wait to share it with you!

If this kind of support speaks to you, you’re welcome to step into some private coaching with me for as long or as little as you need.

I have a once a week spot coming up in my one one one coaching program, and I am ready to support you to feeling stronger, healthier and happier, in whatever way that looks for you and your body.