Rachel Fox: Mind Body Coach

Mind Body Coach

Mind Body Coaching

✘  This is NOT another diet.
  This is NOT another weight loss program.
  This is NOT your typical exercise program.

✅ This IS about meeting YOUR body exactly where it is NOW.

A unique blend of

Eating Psychology

Eating Psychology – I will never tell you what to eat & what not to eat – We focus on the RELATIONSHIP you have with food.

Mind Body Eating Coaching is a whole body & mind approach to food, mood, body image & weight. Unlike many weight-focused systems that focus on WHAT you eat, we will focus on HOW you eat, and other factors you bring to the dining table. Eating psychology sees weight challenges and eating behaviour as an opportunity to discover what’s behind your behaviours and weight-related symptoms.

Personal Training

Personal Training –  exercises that we incorporate will be what YOUR body and life is calling for, not what society is calling for.

Having had my own challenges with exercise and working with beginner exercisers for 16 years, I know how difficult it can be to find exercise that is enjoyable. I have learned that forcing exercise before your core, posture and body is ready, does not support your body or nervous system. Including personal training into my coaching allows me to support you in a total body-mind transformation!

System Regulation

System Regulation – to take care of your nervous system.

We begin with breathing techniques to help bring a sense of ease & calm. Then working with the breath, we gently begin to wake up core muscles and slowly build strength in the body, working from the inside out. Working closely with you one-on-one allows us to better understand you & your body’s uniqueness, meeting your body exactly where it is every step of the way.


You are just one step away from transforming your relationship with food, body image, exercise & weight!

Coaching With Foxy

Sessions are offered weekly or biweekly and are approximately 1.5 hours. New clients usually begin with weekly sessions and graduate to biweekly after they begin to feel more comfortable in their body.

Positive results are often seen in just a few weeks or less.

Each session covers a combination of Breath-work, Whole Body & Mind Coaching, and Personal Training tailored uniquely to meet your body where it’s currently at.

✔️ Dynamic Eating psychology

✔️ Mind Body Eating Coaching

✔️ Calm & Ease breathing techniques

✔️ Personal Training

✔️ Introspection

X No restricting diets

X No forcing

X No weighing food

X No scale

X No “one-size-fits-all” approach

⭑ Certified with the Institute for the Psychology of Eating

⭑ Certified Personal Trainer

⭑ Certified Group Fitness Instructor

⭑ 15 years experience working with beginner exercisers


Here are just a few of your body’s responses to one-size-fits-all diets:

  • tricks you into ignoring your bodies own cues for hunger and fullness.
  • triggers and confuses your bodies survival system.
  • signals the body to store fat and not build muscle. The exact opposite direction to where you want to go.
  • deregulates appetite
  • increases the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which signals the body to send the energy away from digestion towards heart, lungs and limbs ready for fight or flee.
  • slows down digestion

and so much more.

Diets don’t work in the long term. The proof is out there.

It’s time to stop dieting and start living your life!

I am here to help you do that.

Let's chat about

Mind Body Coaching

What Clients Are Saying

“Where do I start?! Your knowledge is second to none, together with your constant, never ending enthusiasm and amazing energy."
“Before meeting you my confidence was at an all time low. You helped me change that, not only did you help me to lose weight and get fit, you also became a friend. I regained my confidence which helped me to go back out and find myself and in the process I found my career. You helped change my life for the better!”
"I say – commit to the process, TRUST in Rachel because she has been in your shoes and she gets it. She can provide the guidance but it’s up to YOU to do the work!”
New Westminster, BC