Rachel Fox: Mind Body Coach

Mind Body Coach

Foxy's Story

the struggles

My struggle with weight began in childhood. My relationship with food was different than that of my sisters, and for as long as I can remember, I didn’t enjoy food in the same way other people did. 

I never seemed to have a ‘cut off’ point when I ate my favourite foods; I could just keep going! 

My choice of foods back then was quite different to how it is now. Yes, there is more availability and variations today, but back then, there wasn’t the same kind of focus on the effect foods have on our bodies. I had no idea how foods could affect our body & mind in so many ways.

My struggle with exercise also began in those early years. I never seemed to have much energy for body movement, moving seemed like so much effort! I felt chunky and awkward next to my sisters and by the age of 15, I was a seasoned dieter. Somehow, my life’s goal was less about career or ambitions and more about my body being the picture that I imagined it should be.

Getting thin consumed my energy and focus for years and my weight bounced back and forth. Then at age 36, I joined a diet club that included exercise. The class was packed with people who seemed to have bodies that looked more like mine. The instructor was amazing and taught me that exercise can be fun and doable. For the first time ever, I felt comfortable exercising. When exercise felt good, it didn’t seem so hard.

I had never considered that a teacher could be someone who helps people to find ways to feel good and have fun. 

I felt a big shift.

turning point

It wasn’t long before I was leaving my job as manager of an opticians to train to be the one at the front of the class. I became certified as a fitness instructor! 

My training program was second to none, carefully designed for those with weight challenges. I was soon helping others who had similar struggles to me. I had never felt so alive in my life! My classes were popular and I had finally created something I was proud of! Serving these women in this way ignited my passion.

I fell in love with Mr. Fox in 2006 and we married in 2007. Two boys completed our little Fox family! 

Life led us to move away from our roots in England and sadly away from all the lovely ladies I saw each week coming to my classes. Stuart and I shared a dream of living in Canada and a job opportunity for Stuart helped make that dream possible. Sadly, I suffered horrific postpartum depression and I felt unbearably lonely as a mum in a new country… I really missed my family, my friends and seeing all those wonderful women every week at my classes.

During this time, I started a new diet almost every week. I still had this belief that ‘being thin makes life happier’, and it consumed my energy and focus for years. I sunk into a deeper depression. 

It was when I was introduced to Britt Laine, an Eating Psychology Coach, that my world began to change for the better. This was a huge turning point in my life. With her amazing support, step by step I learned how to take good care of myself. I soon realised I had never really learnt how to do that.

My biggest discovery –  the reality of my food, body & weight problems was less about WHAT I ate, and more about HOW I was eating. HOW I was feeling when I was eating and what I was bringing to the table at every mealtime, aside from the food itself.

Britt helped to shine a little light on my relationship with food – and the transformation was quite remarkable!

By this time, I was running my own group fitness business in BC, Canada called Foxercize! I noticed many of these wonderful women had similar struggles with food and body image, and it seemed like the perfect step to become certified as an Eating Psychology Coach so that I could help others transform their relationship with food.

Life has other plans...

After 6 successful years of running Foxercize, I was at my son Henry’s 10th birthday party at a trampoline park. I fell badly and was rushed to hospital where I had emergency knee surgery.

My recovery was long and I kept re-injuring my knee. Irreparable damage delayed me from returning to Foxercize and the wonderful community I had created.

Once again life was calling me to reconsider my career.

Around the same time, life was also calling us to make the move from BC to Nova Scotia, another dream…

I worked with many different practitioners attempting to rehabilitate from my knee injury. A chance meeting had my most recent practitioner show up in my life, and I cannot describe how grateful I am!

Again, I learned how an entirely different approach can make for entirely different results. Jess helped me understand so much about my injury and my body’s trauma response. I was afraid to walk on uneven ground. Climbing up and down stairs was so uncomfortable, and walking felt very awkward. 

My few attempts at attending fitness classes up until this point ended in pain and inflammation. I really wanted to begin building some community around me in my new hometown, New Glasgow, NS. But at times, it seemed like two steps forward, one step back. 

Since working with Jess and very slowly rebuilding my body from the ground up and the inside out, I have this newfound strength and energy like never before. That’s not all; I have a huge sense of calm & peace in my everyday life and I have been able to return to many of the activities I enjoy – with no pain or inflammation. 

And there it is – life transforms once again. This time, my transformation has brought me to you!

You are one step away from an entirely different relationship with food, body, movement & weight!

I know you want the weight gone.

You have tried all the things. 

The DIETS don’t work, and even if they did, it wasn’t for long.

EXERCISE is short-lived, sporadic, temporary, or just plain HARD.

Confused about what to eat and how best to move is an understatement.

I know. Stay with me. I have so much to share with you.

I discovered an ALTERNATIVE to dieting, restricting and forcing myself into a smaller body.

If you are here reading this, then your body and your life is trying to COMMUNICATE with you, just like mine was. 

It needs you to find a better way.

Imagine waking up in the morning and pulling on your favourite clothes without a second thought about whether or not you’ll be able to stay committed to your weight loss goals that day.

Imagine going to your fridge and picking out what you WANT to eat, rather than what you think you SHOULD be eating.

Imagine having the headspace to create a relaxed and WONDERFUL day in the life and body that you own and love.

Are you willing to give yourself that CHANCE? A chance to find joy and peace in your RELATIONSHIP with food, movement, and your body?